Thursday, November 22, 2012

Episode 30: Sesame Potatowich

Thursday November 22nd:
Its Thanksgiving day here and off for 4 days.  After 2 days of yummy meals (Haleem and Chicken Dhaniya Masala), I woke up craving food.  Before we could do much, we discovered that our Corolla needed a boost (Dead Battery  - Trunk left open for a few days did it in).  After the Road Side assistance guys came and left Chef Aliya prepared me a unique half sandwich snack.  A toasted slice of bread with mashed spicy potato on one side lightly cooked in a pan with a coating of sesame seeds.  
By the end of these 2 eventful hours, both the car and I were quite full.

2 - Close to Perfection

Episode 29: Chef's Special - Chicken Dhaniya Masala

Wednesday November 21st:
Came home to yet another surprise this week.  Chef Aliya combined couple of recipes to come up with Chicken Coriander (Dhaniiya) Masala.  Simply put, it was a plate of lovely chicken squares covered with coriander, green chillies, and loaded with spices. 
I had some leftover next morning as a sandwich (toasted wheat bread with Chicken Masala and couple of slices of cucumber).... my vote goes with the sandwich.  I would pay big $ for this yummy treat.  Hint: chicken didn't last long.... it was all gone so very quickly :(

1 - Just Perfect

Episode 28: Hearty Yummy Haleem

Monday November 19th:
It was one of those days where I was really wanting a filling, hearty,comfort food....and Aliya kept dinner a surprise.  She told me she made Shaljum (Turnip) which she did but on the side she made me Haleem.  
Very very good consistency,  spicy, very smooth and with the right amount of sliced ginger, peppers, fried blackened onions (yum) and coriander.  I ate a bowl, a serving bowl size meal and could barely move after that.  (PS: The Chef packed some Haleem for me next morning which i enjoyed at work, and then when I came home on Tuesday, I chose to eat Haleem again).  One of my favorite so far :)

1 - Just Perfect!!! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Episode 27: A night of Biryani and Wii Fit

Wednesday, November 14th:
Aliya made Biryani today.  Well she made it for my co-workers for a project called SLAW (Sharing Lunch at Work).  Biryani was very good... good flavor, less spicy than before.  After eating 2 plates of it, both chef Aliya and I are feeling super chubby.  

Well I shouldn't blame Biryani but overall we have been on a eating frenzy ever since we got back from our Bermuda cruise.  From eating out, to eating junk food to eating hearty yummy chef Aliya's creations.  It is time to stop a bit and focus more on health and workout.  So as I write this, the Chef is busy working out on her Wii Fit board and I am preparing for a midnight workout session myself.

2 - Close to Perfection

Episode 26: The Best Dinner yet by Chef Aliya - Kofta (Meatballs)

Tuesday, November 13:
The most amazing dinner to date (even though it is hard to call any one meal the BEST EVER).  There was a good amount of onion, the right amount of spices and perfect color.  The texture of the meatballs were also just right, not hard, not soft.  

I ate 5 Koftay and wanted to eat another 5.  

1 - Just Perfect 

Episode 25: Rich Curry

Wednesday, November 7th:
Chef Aliya made her first ever curry and it was very very good.  My mom first made curry few months back and Aliya liked it a lot.  Since then we have not enjoyed curry and finally the Chef decided to make it on her own.  The taste was rich, full of flavor, slightly spicy and the fried dumplings was loaded with onion strings.

Made a very good leftover meal too when we had this couple of day later.  For a 1st time Curry, Aliya definitely scored solid 1.  4 nights in a row with amazing dinners.  4 "Just Perfect" scores....

1 - Just Perfect!!!

Episode 24: Election Night with Perfect Potato Kababs

Tuesday, November 6th:
What can I Say.  Between watching non-stop coverage of Election Night and eating yet another amazing dinner was a treat.  chef Aliya hit a Hat-Trick (cricket), a Turkey (bowling term) with Potato Kababs.

Delicious dinner, watching election coverage, and most importantly Chef Aliya by my side... I couldn't ask for a more perfect evening.

Congratulation Miss Aliya.  I love you.

1 - Just Perfect!!!

Episode 23: Qeema Pyaz (minced beef cooked in spices, tons of onion and cooked with care)

Monday November 5th:
Chef Aliya hits another hit with Qeema Pyaz (Minced beef with onions, spices).  I actually had this Entree at Aliya's sisters house for a Eid (Chaand Raat Party).  After many requests, Aliya got the super secret recipe to make this and I LOVE IT.  Even after my 1.5 roti (bread) was gone, I got crackers and continue eating it.  YUM. YUM. YUM.

2nd night in a row of getting a 1 - Just Perfect!!!.  Congrats Aliya.

1 - Just Perfect!!!

Episode 22: Chinese Chicken between Hurricane Sandy, Nor'easter Snow Storm and US Election

Sunday November 4th:
I took a break from blogging.  Between getting ready for Eid celebrations, then a Category 1 Hurricane, followed by Nor'easter snow storm and then a Gas (petrol) shortage in and around NYC, US election and most importantly Chef Aliya's birthday, I would say that I have been a little preoccupied.

In between all this excitement, Chef Aliya made my favorite Spicy Chinese Chicken and white Basmati rice. This was Aliya's best Chinese Chicken YET!!!

Super finger lickin delicious goodness all served with white rice and a smile.  I love my blogger/hubby/food critique role.

1 - Just Perfect!!!